League Sign Up Form

Postgres League ID
Season ID
You Are Registering For

We use the calculated age from your year of birth:
- As an input in the partner matching process if you are registering solo
- As the key factor in determining which age division you are entered into
Start typing to get suggested addresses

  • We offer the following divisions in your chosen league. Please choose the one that most closely corresponds to your current skill level
  • If you believe you are between two skill levels (eg. between Beginner and Lower Intermediate), we recommend you choose the higher level to have an interesting time
  • You can use the following scale to calibrate your division. This scale is from USAPA but is a good guide for most players. If this is new to you, please read our Skill Guide
  • Beginner (2.0-2.9), Lower Intermediate (3.0-3.49), Upper Intermediate (3.5-3.9), Advanced (4.0+)
  • Paddle Party reserves the right to cancel, split or combine divisions based on the number of registrations received to create the most engaging playing experience. If we make a change to your chosen division, you will always be informed prior to the change and given a choice of action
Choose Your Skill Level / Division

  • Choose 'Solo' if you are registering by yourself and would like us to team you up with another player
  • Choose 'Team - Registering Separately' if you have a teammate but would like them to fill up their own form and pay their own registration fees
  • Choose 'Team - Registering Together' if you have a teammate and you would like to register and pay for both of you right now. You will be asked to enter their details in the next step
How are you registering today?
  • We will help you find a partner in your city and division
  • The choice of available partners depends on the pool of solo registrants in your city and division
  • We try to keep partners in a narrow age range but we may not be able to do so if the registrants pool does offer sufficient options
  • We will attempt to partner you up with someone as close to you as possible. However, at times this may turn out to be further than you might expect
  • This is a mixed gender league. Your partner can be from either gender
  • Your partner will be registered in the same division as you
  • The registration fees shown in the final step will be for two players. If you use a promo code, any applicable discount will be applied to both players
Every player must have a unique email address
Every player must have a unique phone number
Partner's Gender *
Start typing to get suggested addresses
  • When you complete your registration, we will send a personalized invite to this email address
  • When they register, they will automatically get added to your team

Registration Count
  • You may cancel your registration anytime by writing to us at [email protected]
  • If you cancel prior close of registration, you will be refunded 100% of your registration fee
  • If you cancel after the close of registration, there are no refunds

Promo code applied!

Gross Registration FEE
Promo Discount
Net Registration Fee

Clicking the button will securely redirect you to Stripe to complete the payment.